So, You’re Testifying on Capitol Hill

So, You’re Testifying on Capitol Hill

Something bad has happened: The organization you’re tasked with leading and defending has found itself in the crosshairs of Capitol Hill. Removing, for a moment, what’s occurred that has brought you to this crossroads, it’s important to look at the facts: You have...
Should brands be on TikTok or X? Ask Gen Z

Should brands be on TikTok or X? Ask Gen Z

Younger employees must use their digital native instincts to help clients navigate the tumultuous world of social media, says Sloane & Company’s Jake Cohen. Just a few years ago, social media was a matter of course for any client. I saw few reasons not to engage...
Managing Crises Like World Cup Goalkeepers

Managing Crises Like World Cup Goalkeepers

Every two years, the world collectively stops what it’s doing to watch some of the best athletes represent their country in the Women’s and Men’s World Cup soccer tournaments. As a former—and impressively average—college soccer player, I love witnessing this sport’s...